
Hi and welcome to my site.

I started this blog because healing from the inside out has been a mission and a guiding theme my whole adult life.

I was diagnosed with psoriasis at the age of six, I spent much of my childhood having very toxic treatments which only suppressed the symptoms. From an early age I instinctively knew there was a connection between food and health but it wasn’t until I was an adult that I resolved to go on a journey to heal myself. Through trial and error I have found a path that means that although psoriasis is not curable I have learnt to manage it so that for over 10 years my skin has been clear, something I thought would never be possible.

I have always known that what you eat and the life choices you make are key. Being truly well demands effort and being true to yourself, it’s not always an easy path but when you see your health improve and your skin heal it can be such an empowering experience. A few simple changes to your diet  can make a huge difference. One thing I have become passionate about because of its transformative effects is the healing power of fermented food and the extraordinary impact it has on restoring your gut microbiome.

It’s important to remember that no two people are alike, what works for one person may not work for another this is just a guide to what I have found helpful.

Taking care of myself has never been more fun and delicious and it’s this information that I want to share with you.

With huge gratitude



12 thoughts on “About

  1. Susana just sent me the link to this wonderful blog. I’m not surprised that you write so well and give a real space of serenity and nourishment just reading it, let alone following these things up in the kitchen and garden…

    You’re a very inspiring woman and I’m so glad to have met you. Ill be sending the link to my sister x


  2. sally

    I had the opportunity to meet beautiful Tiffany Jess at River Cottage last weekend, she is a great teacher and a very lovely lady. Thank you Tiffany x


      • sally

        Thank you x, is it ok if I pass your email address onto a lovely lady called Gemma who is really in need of some advice? By the way, made some beets with ginger and apple and within two days they went slimy 😦 maybe not enough salt? Blessings Sally x


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